Fluent English over the phone – Bianka Molnar English Language Teacher
What you’ll learn
- Communicate fluently and with confidence over the phone. Recognize and be able to use the suitable expressions. Use an acceptable tone of voice, know how to be polite. Thanks to the visual elements the
- A minimum of B1 (Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate) on the Common European Framework. A desire to communicate fluently and understand English conversations over the phone.
Do you have to handle phone calls with foreigners ? Is it difficult to understand them and express yourself the way you want to?
This course shows you how to
- make a phone call
- receive calls
- hold and transfer the calls, record a voice message, take and leave messages
- handle difficulties and end the call
- be polite in English
- greet and address people
It gives you alternatives to the spelling alphabets and presents the names and pronunciation of the special characters.
The course is built on 8 lessons. There are printable lists of the expressions and the spelling alphabet.
Also, you can check your understanding and communication with test questions.
Are you ready? Let’s get started. See you with the first episode.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone handling phone calls with foreigners in English. Anyone working at an international company as an assistant, a secretary or a customer service agent. Anyone planning to work abroad. Anyone planning to move abroad. Anyone having foreign friends. This course is not for beginners. Beginner students please avoid. This course is not for native speakers of English
Adriana Titichoca: you feel confident at the end of the course, due to there are a lot of expression that I had forgotten
Çiğdem MORKOÇ:Definitely ! it helped me.. Also, I have been loving the sound of the video.
Pavan Nagendra: I was looking for such a course finally i found one. This is an amazing course which empowers the reader with communication standards.
Reginaldo Carneiro:This course was very helpful to me. I really recommend this course for anyone 🙂 Thanks a lot teacher
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Bianka Molnar English Language Teacher
Hello my lovely students,
If you’re a visual type of person, like learning with fun, need help to memorize and understand English grammar and your time is also important then my courses are for you.
I live in England and have been teaching English Language for 15 years with passion and care.
I have an ELT (English Language Teaching) degree and am also a TEFL English Teacher, TEFL Business English Teacher, TEFL Advanced Grammar Teacher and TEFL One-to-one teacher.
My courses are very visual with lots of graphics, memorizable situations and examples.
All my courses are subtitled and I also speak slowly and simply to help you understand everything.
Don’t forget that you can actually download the courses to your phone and watch the videos offline as well! Are you ready, let’s get started!
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